1·They have been looking to trust companies in particular to trim their balance sheets and lessen their regulatory burden.
2·It might then make sense that, as one would welcome a recommended plumber, regulators might be more willing to trust companies with stronger reputations.
3·China's current law, Banks and trust companies can be commissioned to accept the loan.
4·In this sense, the in-depth study of trust companies risk control is essential and urgent.
5·Thee notice banned developers from bidding with funds from banks, trust companies andinsurers.
南京市国土资源局发出通知称,竞买人拿地须用自有资金。 。
6·"Most importantly, unlike trust companies, we don't have any other implicit costs," the official noted.
7·The rest comes from a variety of trust companies, finance companies, leasing companies and underground Banks.
8·Securities companies shall be established separately from Banks, trust companies and insurance companies.
9·"The salaries here are too low, many left for trust companies and asset management firms," the source said.
10·Trust companies as the trustee, would invest and manage the property in accordance with the contract of trust.